Q&A with Tuggs (Tuggs)

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Everyone always asks about the adorable pup who played Ben’s dog, Tuggs, in Ginger. That dog is actually named Tuggs in real life, and he is excited to share some info about himself with his adoring fans.

Q. What personal experiences did you build on for this important movie role?

I always listen pretty good and I don’t bark at my dad, so on set I really tried to listen and not bark at my dad, and…well, that’s about it.

Q. Many people may not know that the actor who played Ben is your real-life doggie daddy. How did you strike a balance between your professional and working relationships?

A. Dad gave me treats to be a good boy ‘cause I really like treats! Then we walked and walked all day on set and my poor little feet got sore, but everyone said I was such a good boy and THEN I got to do a snooze and then I went home to my mom and got all the cuddles! My mom gives the BEST cuddles. Then I did another snooze.

Q. What was your favorite part about working on this film?

Doing my close-up shots! They got my good fluffy side.

Q. What things do you like to do when you aren't hanging around a movie set?

A. Zoomies in the backyard, snoozing on my mom’s feet when she is making human food, and catching all the balls my mom and dad throw in the backyard. They make the balls FLY! It’s so cool. I love all the playtimes.

Q. Who is your role model?

A. Sorry, no more questions. I gotta go take another snooze now.

Shot Time Productions